Yea, so, like I told you already.
Most networkers fail miserably.
And for want of a better expression...
They simply don't have a clue what they're doing! Sure, there are plenty people willing to teach you, but they don't either.
Whether offline, online or a bit of both, they're lost in the woods.
Blind leading the blind.
C'mon, admit soldier ;)
You're scraping about trying to find any form of sales lead you can aren't ya? Handing out flyers, dropping off business cards inside public toilets in restaurants and fuel stations.
As soon as someone shows you even the slightest bit of interest, you latch yourself on like a flea to a cat.
I remember the days.
Thousands of flyers, both retail and biz op. I wonder how many miles I covered.
Standing for hours upon hours at stupid trade fayres.
Standing for hours in the bloody streetz asking people to fill out questionaires.
Yes, I was one of those idiots who you do anything to avoid, pretend you're on your phone, go the other direction, even if it adds a mile onto your journey. haha *cringe*
And OMG, if I came into contact with anyone I knew, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.
As I gained experience, I was torn between doing what made sense and what they were telling me to do.
I even came up with a method of marketing which turned out to be a hit. Only problem was I couldn't close the sale. I was great at getting the lead but that's as far as it went.
I had no phone skillz, I hated it. My kneez knocked together and my palms got sweaty.
I remember getting a £300 sale from 2 girls I called up, they would meet me at the gym. I turned up and asked every dam person there and they all looked at me with a blank expressions. They probably were but only gave me the order to get me off the phone :p
You know how it goes.
Even most of those who show interest and say they will turn up to your meeting, never do!
And your sales pitch for someone who shows an interest in the business side. What the hell do you tell them? How you drive a POS car? How you have bills coming out your ears. How you stand and hand out thousands of flyers then turn in to jibbering wreck if any of them actually call you? How you walk around with a stoopid badge on when it idn't even your birthday?
Yea, they will all beat a path to your door to quit their £100,000/year job so they can join you in the streetz doing surveys.
Makes me chuckle still :)
But during all this, with every flyer, every questionnaire and every phone call, you still have this little niggle at the back of your mind. It's called hope.
Look, I know you're questioning the whole thing now. Only so long you're hope can carry you, right?
I remember, various different occasions where I had been at a company event and got myself all motivated. Just do what it takes. I was going to get up the next morning, pick up the phone book and start ringing. Only trouble is, when I woke the next morning, and I was no longer surrounded by all the other distributors, my courage seemed to have left me.
I needed a better way.
The company I was with, and I know many others do the same, brainwash you into thinking offline is the only away. Online is dumb!
Some even have a no online marketing policy.
If you do jump online to cast your net, nothing changes. The same offline habits are used. You become the asshole on social media who everyone avoids.
I mentioned to my upline, the Google Adwords platform. I was met with horror. Oh no, we tried that, it just eats your money.
But they missed a few vital ingredients which, if they had in place would've seen their business grow to levels they could never imagine, in a very short space of time!
Like sending all their potential prospects to a replicated company website amongst others.
I was at breaking point. You probably are too. If you're not, then I got to you in time. Before you go broke. Before your friends disown you and your family are totally pissed off.
The cold hard truth is...
Network Marketers lack education and creativity.
Now when I say education, I mean education in sales and marketing. I know some very educated people who try to run a home business, doctors and the like. The MLM industry turns them into morons.
It's a shame.
It's one thing watching a fool make a fool of himself but it's even worse watching a highly educated person do it :p
Network marketing and MLM is sales and marketing pursued by people who have no idea about sales and marketing.
For a start, they get all on their high horse and start TELLING everyone why their product is the best, why they should sign up and if they don't they're idiots.
C'mon, ask yourself seriously, would other people want to be doing what you're doing?
It's ok though sweet pea, I did it all too haha
You can turn the corner if you really want to.
The 'Home Business Accelerator', which we will launch soon will end all the struggles you've been having.
Regardless of which business you're in, I'm going to lead you to endless amounts of people actively looking for what YOU have.
You're going to have your prophitz make even more for you.
You could be rubbing shoulders with the top guys much sooner than you think.
The luxury lifestyle you signed up for? It's round the corner.
Tomorrow? Your million dollar game plan. :)
Tomorrow? Your million dollar game plan. :)
love ya, bye.