Better Way to Business Prophitz

This might be heartbreaking for you.

You might not even listen to me...

And that's fine.

But if you do, you will make waaaay more money.

What I'm going to tell you today is the troof soldier.

How can you tell?

I said it, that's how :P

So here it goes, in all it's glory.

If you're working on a network marketing or MLM venture, then you don't have a business.

I used to say you're just a glorified sales rep, and that might be true.

But for most, it's actually worse than that.

They're nothing more than a customer.

They're always hammering home the importance of being a 'product of the product'

They always told me the way to sell more products is to take more products myself.

I took everything.

What happens?

You get hooked on ordering as much of the products as you can.

You spend you're own money and you plough your earnings straight back into them too.

You're a fuckin customer dude!

It's not so true of the company with only one or two products, but you still don't have a business. All your goals and dreams are pinned to hope.

Lets look deeper.

See, I got involved with the whole thing for 1 reason. So I could be in control.

They pitch it well in the marketing DVD's etc. But what are you actually in control of?


A business provides a product or service yea? They control the product or the service, they control the cost and so on. So what do you control?


You don't own anything either. And if the company goes belly up or you do something they don't like, you're out on your ass, with nothing.

Sure you have some skillz but can you afford the years it takes to build all over again?

When I first quit MLM and started playing around online. A guy I know, who was one of the top dawgs in Scotland contacted me. Basically wanting to know what I was doing, and here's why. He'd been in the business 7 years, and when I say 7 years, I mean 7 committed years. They loved the company. Problem was, his wife was working the business while he still had a full time job. He didn't want a job, he wanted to be at home with a badass home business.

But he couldn't...

Because after 7 years, they were earning a whopping £1000/month.

Might as well get a part time job in a bar!

Much less hassle.

Network marketing and MLM was an awesome model 20 years ago. For various reasons, it's near as dam it impossible now. Other companies pop up every couple months with an easier faster better way to build a six figure income. New systems pop up promising the same deal. 

There's only one way which makes sense to me moving forward.

It's also the way you see any top earner building their business.

Most companies have great products and they will play a significant part in you building your empire. 

When we launch the Home Business Accelerator, you're business is going to be your OWN. You're going to be in full control. You're going to own it. Not reliant on anything other than you.

And that my friend, has some massive implications for the coming years.

You will be able to sell more products.

You will have a bigger team, if you choose that way.

The luxury lifestyle you dream of? It's much closer.

Keep your eyes in this hideout till the end of the month.

Miss out, you'll be crying!

Tomorrow? Something special :p

Love ya, bye.