Who is Ewan Robb and does he really know how I can become one of the 'On Stage' superstars?

October, 2005.

I was a Football coach with Aberdeen FC, loved my job, but got paid buttons. Thought I'd get more into the weight loss and personal training market so I went to visit a friend who showed me something quite spectacular.


I entered his office and my eyes were immediately drawn to a print out on his wall of a happy looking couple, nothing special about them apart from the £90,000/month scribbled underneath in black marker.

Straight away, I asked what it was all about and he explained they were making this doing what he was about to show me.

We watched the promotional DVD and I couldn't believe my eyes. Why didn't everyone know about such an awesome opportunity. I mean, everyone could do it, no special skills needed and for a very low investment, could easily be making multiple 5 figures a month in no time at all.

I have always believed, if someone else can do it, there's no reason why I can't so, as soon as the promotional DVD finished, I was filling out my details on a distributor form.

I was hooked.

I attended my first ever event. I was lost for words, doesn't happen often!!!

Called some of my closest friends on my way home.

Couldn't understand why they didn't share my excitement.

We were all gonna be millionaires!!!

Never in my life had I been filled with so much hope.

So much hope, I stuck £2500 ($4000) on a credit card and a few days later, 11 massive boxes of product arrived on my doorstep.

I was pumped and made a plan of how to shift the lot. 

Most network marketers make jack shyt!

They attend all the meet ups and promise themselves they will be up on stage soon as a top producer. They leave pumped up and ready to take their products and opportunity to the world, yet, by the time the next meet up comes around, they're no closer to sharing their success in front of the crowd

I, on the other hand, got some pretty decent results, fast! I was regularly dragged up on stage. Both to share my product AND income testimonial.

I wasn't there to sit in the crowd and cheer, I was there to make shyt happen!

I had some massive goals to reach.

I was spurred on by another distributor who they touted as a superstar. I envied him, it was a title I wanted! The way they told his story, how good his life was, what he was doing daily. 

Sounded awesome!

I was still working the job and my business on the side. 

My desire grew, along with my work rate.

I was constantly adding new customers to my database, I even sponsored the odd distributor but...

My income never grew!

Seemed like a revolving door, customers were dropping off as fast as I could bring them in.

Successful failure!

All the time I was still being paraded on stage as a 'success'. 

I started to feel like a fraud.

I also also got the chance to hear the guy whose results I had wanted to replicate so badly talk on stage.

I sat on the edge of my seat, hanging on his every word, desperate to pick up a few tips.

Sheer disbelief...

He told us his name and how he had been working the business full time for a few years and last month his income was £850 ($1200ish)...

What the actual fuck?

This was the massive success story they had beaten my ears with for so long? This was the results the opportunity could bring you if you worked the plan? This was a guy living the dream!

I didn't know what to think...

  • Let down
  • Angry
  • Sad
  • Annoyed

Yet all I could think of was the piece of A4 paper of the couple with £90,000/month scribbled on it.

I went home and started to look at better ways to advertise. New ways. Ways which better suited me.

I've lost count how many times I was told to stick to the plan. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Just do more...

Just do more of what isn't working? 

That's the dumbest fucking advice I ever heard!

The Network Marketing industry actually kills your creativity and keeps you stuck.

I had come up with a low cost method which dramatically increased interest in my business and qualified prospects at the same time. However, I lacked the ability to close sales on the phone which ruined all the hard work done up to that point.

Not long after, I was at a meeting where the £90,000/month couple were talking on stage. They told the crowd how they were making £1000/day.

Now, don't get me wrong, £30,000/month is a nice little wage but it's a long shot from £90,000/month.

I had started to notice other discrepancies in stories told by distributors. I also knew the business wasn't as easily run as they made it out to be.

Something seemed wrong.

What if things weren't as perfect as they all made it out to be?

After 2.5 years in the game, I was starting to question my own beliefs.

There is only so long you can stay enthusiastic, only so long you can run on hope before doubt creeps in.

Thing is, once you have had a taste, once you have had your eyes open to the possibilities, rubbed shoulders with top income earners over a beer and listened to their stories and how awesome their life is...

You're hooked!

It's like a drug. You couldn't possibly quit! All the hopes and dreams can't just be forgotten, not now when you have seen everyday joes start from nothing and build a life of awesomeness.

Sinking back into your shitty old life is not an option

Not when you know whats possible.

And it is possible.

Believe me, I've been the guy sitting in the hotel meetings, my stomach hurting because I had so much desire burning inside, yet so much frustration at not achieving more.

I've also been the guy cornered in lifts and stopped in corridors by other distributors wanting to meet me, shake my hand and ask me how to do it. I've been one of the top earners in a couple different companies.

That's why you should listen to me. 

And I know what you're thinking right now...

How do you quit struggling and achieve the results which will have the top earners hauling your ass up on stage to tell everyone how badass you are?

The Home Business Accelerator launches soon. They are going to cure EVERY single problem you face today as a home business entrepreneur.

So while I finish putting the products together, browse all the lessons that will be appearing in this secret little hideout until I'm ready for you.

love ya

ps, you could share this with any other Network Marketers you want to see at the top too ;)